
Dozens of children in Transnistria do not go to school


Ombudswoman Tamara Plamadeala asks the Government to ensure a better mechanism for guaranteeing the rights of the children living in the Transnistrian region. She said she will make similar approaches to the ombudsman working on the left bank of the Nistru as the socially underprivileged groups in the region are neglected, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a communique from the Center for Human Rights. Recently, Tamara Plamadeala and representatives of the human rights association “Promo-Lex” paid a monitoring visit to two villages in the Transnistrian district of Rybnitsa and visited six families in difficulty there. They saw a gloomy picture – children out of school, families without a shelter, poverty, violations of the children's rights, etc. “Unfortunately, these families are not the only one that fight poverty without being supported at least morally by the community,” Tamara Plamadeala said. “The state is obliged to take measures and ensure decent living conditions for everyone.” Tamara Plamadeala announced he will pay similar visits to Transnistrian settlements to sensitize the authorities there to the problems faced by the children.