
Double-murder case in Comrat


Two employees of the gas station “Petrom Moldova” no. 55 in Comrat were killed for about 60,000 lei, which the alleged killers spent on casino playing machines. According to the head of the Interior Division of Gagauzia, Constantin Telpiz, Eduard and Valeriu Casa, two cousins aged 23 and, respectively, 29, who were close relatives of one of the victims, are under suspicion of double murder. One of them was working at the gas station in the town and was familiar with the fact that on weekends the money for the sold products are not raised from the employees. On Sunday, the suspects bought in a pharmacy a substance of narcotic effect, then ordered a beer each and came to the gas station. There they gave the drink containing the narcotic substance to Dumitru Coroleac, aged 37, and Dumitru Burca, aged 27, who were on duty that day. Profiting from the victims’ unconsciousness, the two took from the cash register about 50,000 lei and petrol ration coupons valued at about 9,000 lei. Then they took the victims in a forest in Sadac village, Comrat raion, where they committed the double murder: one of the men was strangled with a belt, while the other one was axed. At present, Eduard and Valeriu Casa are under arrest. Criminal investigations were initiated against them. If convicted, they risks facing up to 25 years in jail.