
Dorin Dushcheak: Union will be demanded until it is achieved


The union will be demanded until it is achieved, regardless of the political conjuncture in which the Republic of Moldova is, of the situation at regional level and the developments inside the European Union, deputy head of the National Unity Party (PUN) Dorin Dushcheak said in the program “People’s Council” on 10TV channel, IPN reports.

The union will be demanded until it is realized, irrespective of the political situation in the country, the situation in the region and the developments in the EU. “Unionism is a struggle for an intrinsic purpose, for a noble goal that cannot depend on the influence of foreign factors,” stated Dorin Dushcheak.

According to the deputy head of the National Unity Party, in the 2018 parliamentary elections good candidates representing a powerful pro-unionist party should exist in all the single-member constituencies. The PUN set the objective of winning 15-20% of the vote in the upcoming elections.