
Dorin Chirtoacă: Union remains our supreme ideal. Moldova has no other chance


“The union remains our supreme ideal for which we should struggle up to the last drop of blood, until we make the Union. Moldova has no other chance or we will doomed to poverty, thefts, disorder and disasters we witnessed and continue to witness,” said the former major general of Chisinau, Liberal heavyweight Dorin Chirtoacă. He, together with mates from the Liberal Party, on December 1 laid flowers at the monument to Ruler Stephan the Great, celebrating thus the Great Union Centenary. The Liberals stretched a tricolor on the monument, IPN reports.

“Long live, Romania! Long live, Moldova! Long live, everyone! It is our greatest and nicest holiday and we said that today our forerunners should also celebrate since morning. We went to the cemetery and left ribbons there. We went to the square of the Railway Terminal and placed ribbons there too, as we did on the Alley of Classics. And we also said that Stephan the Great should also celebrate and also attached a ribbon to him. Not many know that this monument was erected in 1928, ten years after the Union of 1918. In other words, the monument to Stephan the Great is a symbol of Bessarabia’s Union with Romania,” stated the ex-mayor.

According to him, those who try to hamper the Union ideal are opportunists who try to profit from the fact that a part of the Moldovan citizens do not realize the importance of the Union and that the Union brings prosperity. “Those who do not openly say what the Union is and do not support it till the end and those who pretend to be neutral are hypocritical, not mentioning those who are against and want to profit from the brainwashing practiced in the Soviet period,” stated Dorin Chirtoacă.

Also today, December 1, when it is celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Union of 1918, the Alliance for the Centenary stages a series of events, such as a moment’s silence at the Cemetery of Romanian Heroes, a march to the monument of deportees in the square of the Railway Terminal and then to the monument to Stephan the Great in central Chisinau, where the event will end with the Union Round Dance.