
Dorin Chirtoaca is dissatisfied with the preparations for national holiday Our Language


Chisinau Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca is dissatisfied with the preparations for the national holiday “Our Language”. The Mayor consider it inadequate the previous announcement of the City Culture Department that Romanian artist will participate in the event, but, there aren’t enough funds for paying the high honorariums asked by the singers for performing at the concert in the city’s central square. The chief of the Culture Department, Leonid Gorceac, stated on Monday, August 13, at a City Hall session that the Romanian singers request 1.5-7 thousand euros for participation, which is too much for the City. He mentioned that the budget for organising the event was set at only 120 thousand lei – to few for financing such expensive concerts. Gorceac mentioned that under these circumstances, only artists from Moldova will perform at the concert; some of them will be Olga Ciolacu, Gheorghe Topa, Doina Sulac and Anisoara Puica. He didn’t mention how large the honorariums are for the Moldovan singers. Dorin Chirtoaca and Leonid Gorceac will meet again after the session to clarify the created situation and soon announce the taken decision. Cultural-artistic manifestations dedicated to the national holiday “Our Language” will take place on August 31 in the City’s central square. Dorin Chirtoaca previously stated that he doesn’t wish limiting the holiday, like it was done last year, when the central authorities decided to organise the event in the Public Garden Stefan cel Mare. City Hall officials assert that the Government will involve actively only in organizing the celebrations on Independence Day, on August 27. Thus, the national holiday “Our Language” will be organised solely by the City Hall.