Dorin Chirtoaca: Chiefs will be penalized for every garbage bin uncollected
The head of the cleanup company “Autosalubritate” Tudor Maniv was given several months to make sure that Chisinau has garbage bins for glass, paper, metal, and plastic, according to the European requirements. Otherwise, Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca may dismiss him, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Tudor Maniv Monday said that 600 containers for paper and 600 containers for plastic are to be set up this year. There will be also bought two smaller garbage trucks. “The main problem is where to take the garbage. We had a meeting with the mayor of Tantareni and the Tantareni Council is to take a decision as the waste from Chisinau in a meeting on February 6,” he stated.
Dorin Chirtoaca said that 200 garbage cans were placed last year, but there are needed also small open containers, not only large bins with lid. He showed pictures of how clean is the Romanian town Baia Mare, which he visited recently. For comparison, he brought pictures of full garbage bins in Chisinau. “I looked for waste in Baia-Mare, but didn’t find some. The situation in Chisinau is different. However, no chief resigned. Only the road sweepers change,” said the mayor.
He stressed that he will no longer tolerate such a situation and will impose fines and give reprimands from February 1 if things don’t improve. “The chiefs of “Autosalubritate” and the Public Amenities Division will be penalized for every garbage bin uncollected. If nothing changes, we will have to part,” said Dorin Chirtoaca.
In the municipality of Chisinau there are 680 waste collection areas.