
Dorian Istratii: Shor must give back 5 billion lei and must stay in jail


The sum of US$30,000 can be taken legally into Moldova by three Moldovan citizens, PAS MP Dorin Istratii stated after officers of the National Anticorruption Center caught an Ocnița district council in the act of bribing the mayor of Ocnița with US$30,000. According to the PAS MP, the justice system of Moldova makes effort to end political corruption and illegal funding by taking legal action against representatives of the former Shor Party whose leader was sentenced to 15 years in jail, IPN reports.

MP of the ruling party PAS Dorian Istratii said the state institutions endeavor to combat political corruption and the case of the councilor from Ocnița, who was arrested in his attempt to bribe the mayor of the town to persuade him to defect from the Party of Socialists to the Revival Party, is a relevant example.

“The mayor denounced those acts to the National Anticorruption Center and the person who intended to bribe was caught together with the NAC. It goes to a bribe of US$30,000. This sum can be taken legally into the country by three citizens of the Republic of Moldova or by one citizen who can travel for three times to bring this money in. I’m glad that the mayors, even if they represent an opposition party, trust the state institutions. In Shor’s case, there are several cases started over illegal financing of the election campaign. The case of Tauber is already examined in court. Yevgenia Gutsul is accused in another case. But we see a riposte on the part of judges. Shor was already convicted and his confiscated property started already to be used for the benefit of the state. He must give back 5 billion lei and must stay in jail,” Dorian Istratii stated in the program “Shadow Cabinet” on JurnalTV channel.

Ex-Deputy Speaker of Parliament Alexandru Slusari said that illegal funding and corruption were the methods applied by the former Shor Party in politics and the state institutions turn out to be inefficient in fighting this phenomenon.

“The Shor grouping was created by Platohotniuc to set up a testing ground to see how to obtain power without any doctrine and any effort, by corrupting voters only. The Shor grouping was founded during the period when Plahotniuc captured the state and the process of corrupting mayors, district councilors was at its height. Plahotniuc tested different dirty electoral elements to see which of them were the most efficient ones. The Shor grouping was created for this purpose. They don’t known to do something else. Everyone knows that the Revival Party is actually the revived Shor Party. The authorities have all the instruments to counter this phenomenon of political corruption. I’m glad that the law that bans the whole gang from running in elections was adopted,” stated Alexandru Slusari.

In the last sitting of the Parliament’s spring session, the MPs passed a law that bans members of the administrative body and members holding elective posts who were elected on the ticket of a party declared unconstitutional from standing as candidates at elections for a period of five years.