
Donor community ready to support development of national anti-crisis plan


The donor community expressed readiness to support the development of a national anti-crisis plan. During a joint press-conference with the Government of Moldova, the World Bank together with the IMF, UN Agencies, Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), European Commission and DFiD publicly launched the Policy Notes for the Government, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a a joint statement from the partners. This joint donor initiative was started in early 2009 to support the Government of Moldova in addressing the effects of the economic crisis. The product of this collective effort was the development of a set of policy suggestions aimed to provide a platform for the new administration in tackling the various economic and social challenges that Moldova faces in the context of the current crisis. The notes include short-term priorities and suggestions for immediate actions, but also medium-term priorities which outline policy measures to promote and support the country’s sustainable development in the long run. “The World Bank, in partnership with other international donors, is pleased to officially launch this set of policy notes which serve as an input to the Government's consultations on an anti-crisis plan” said Melanie Marlett, World Bank Country Manager for Moldova. “The policies outlined in this document are not meant to be prescriptions but rather suggestions for the Government to consider as it develops its own plan. We are pleased that the government is moving forward rapidly to address the consequences of the economic crisis. The donor community stands ready to support this effort in a collaborative and expedient manner." “The Policy Notes represent the common views of UN agencies and the donor community in Moldova on how best to protect families, children, and vulnerable members of the population from the full force of the economic crisis. We look forward to assisting the new government in this effort, and to making further progress towards the country’s development goals. We are committed to putting human rights at the centre of these efforts," highlighted Alexandra Yuster, UNICEF Representative in Moldova. The notes identify three key areas of Government attention in the short-term: adjusting the budget deficit, ensuring financial sector stability and protecting the socially vulnerable groups, who are most at risk in times of crisis. Recent World Bank reports estimate that Moldova could witness a substantial increase in poverty rates among CIS countries, due to falling remittances, shrinking exports and imports. This calls for a special attention to the most vulnerable groups of society.