
#donatesave: “Universal donor” with negative Rh


The people with initiative spirit are those who move things on in a society. “Created in Moldova” is the new title of an IPN campaign about people who distinguished themselves in 2018 through different accomplishments, creations, technologies or actions.

Alexandru Radu, 46, started to donate blood when he was 17. Yes, he donated blood first when he was a minor, even if this is banned by law. But he did it to save a life. Since then he voluntarily donated blood for over 40 times and continues to donate regularly. Alexandru is an “universal donor”. Having the blood group I, negative Rh, which is rather rare, he can donate blood to both of the groups, with positive and negative Rh, and can receive blood from a donor with the same group. It happened so when he was a minor. He donated blood for the first time, for a child aged three with the same group and Rh.

The man related that an accident involving a three-year-old boy called Igor occurred near the village where he lived. Out of inattention, the child poured a container with hot water over him. He urgently needed blood transfusion. “I remember that he was staying in bed connected to all those machines. He suffered burns and my blood was transfused directly to the boy. It was the period when the Soviet Union was falling apart and there were no blood reserves,” stated Alexandru Radu, adding the boy’s family later found a group of donors who regularly donated blood to the child. “Igor grew up and his family says I’m like his brother. They said “Sandu, you were the first who went and helped him. Namely your blood was strictly needed then,” told Alexandru. Except for this case, Alexandru does now know how many persons he helped overall.

The grandfather, mother and aunt of Alexandru were also regular donors. “My grandfather was an emeritus donor of the Soviet Union. He even got a permit and a small insignia that looked like a drop of blood and he wore it at chest proudly,” stated Alexandru Radu. Now only he donates blood among his family members. The others are over 60, which is the age by which blood can be donated, or have health problems such as high or low blood pressure.

“Some of my mates ask me how much money I receive for donation, but I didn’t use even those free days that are offered legally on each donation. I go to work the day I donate blood, as I do the next day. I tell those who put me such questions that I do not do this to make money,” stated the man, adding in Moldova they give you diplomas, not money and say nice words to you and this is enough or the donors would not be called voluntary.

As he donates regularly, Alexandru has a donor’s card and also a number of gratitude diplomas won during the past few years. He said the card enables him to travel gratis by public transport in Chisinau and to enjoy insignificant discounts when applying for civil status documents or the passport. Besides, donation renews blood and this is very beneficial. He tries to lead a healthy lifestyle and does not smoke. “I know that several hours before donation, I must not drink alcohol and eat animal or vegetable fats. As to the rest, I have a normal life,” he stated.

In his family, no one else has his blood group. His daughter has her mother’s group, while his son has a negative Rh  and his mother’s blood group. Alexandru said he never tells his children to be like him. “My daughter says she wants to donate, but it is one thing to say and it is another thing to do. She wants, but is afraid”.

The blood with negative Rh is the most necessary one in Moldova. Only 15% of the population has such blood. There is a register of patients and of blood donors who accepted to be invited to donate blood whenever need be. It happed so most of the times in the case of Alexandru.

Blood can be donated by any person who wants if this is aged between 18 and 60, has perfect health and weighs more than 50 kg. Three lives can be saved by one donation.

All blood donors can take two days free from work and receive a food parcel whose composition and price was modified on November 1 last year. Thus, the donors get one liter of sugar-free apple or grape juice, 300 grams of steamed meat or 160 grams of natural fish in own juice, 100 grams of chocolate, 400 grams of halva or 250 grams of dried fruit and a vegetable can rich in vitamins.

At the National Blood Transfusion Center, blood can be donated daily. To satisfy the health system’s needs of blood products, 80,000 blood donations that helps over 13,000 patients are needed annually.

Sabina Rebeja, IPN