
Doctor Ludmila Bîrca: In Moldova, next pandemic wave will not be sweeping


The next pandemic wave that is discussed globally will not be sweeping in Moldova. This is expected to be moderate owing to the vaccination rate and natural immunity. “A large part of the population got vaccinated and a part even has natural immunity as a result of disease, but the virus mutations are yet unpredictable,” the director of the Municipal Clinical Hospital of Contagious Diseases for Children Ludmila Bîrca, senior infectious disease doctor, has told IPN.

At the moment, the hospital has 65 patients with coronavirus, mothers and children. A part of them are Ukrainian refugees. “We have two units that are now full and will probably open the third unit soon. We will yet wait to see the admission rate
as it is no use opening the unit and keeping it empty,” stated the doctor.

According to the director, even if the hospital is well-equipped, it needs personal hygiene products for the refugees. Currently, there are about 14 Ukrainian mothers with children. “These people have slightly bigger necessities than our people. We try to feed them slightly better, within possibilities,” said Ludmila Bîrca.

When the pandemic started, the hospital didn’t experience that stress through which other hospitals went as this is specialized in infectious diseases. “We complied very swiftly. The hospital is built so that any ward can be isolated with a special route, primarily the first floor. In principle, we are prepared and equipped. We now have a lot of devices that we received during the pandemic,” said the director.

The Municipal Clinical Hospital of Contagious Diseases for Children at the end of June was offered a mechanical ventilator, a sanitary car, sets of bedclothes and protective suits. The donation was made by the Chisinau City Hall on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the hospital’s founding.