
Distance between education institutions and points of selling tobacco to be extended to 200 m


The minimum distance from the entrance of the commercial unit where tobacco and tobacco products are sold till the nearest point of the kindergartens and schools (colleges, lyceums) will be extended from 50 to 200 meters. This fact is stipulated in the draft law for amending the article 11 of the Law on tobacco and tobacco products. The draft was drawn up by the Ministry of Economy and Commerce. To establish order in the street trade, this distance is stipulated not only for the capital, but also for the regions. According to the international practice, the minimum allowed distance from the commercial unit where alcoholic beverages and tobacco products are sold till the institutions of education, inclusively till the hospitals and social-cultural centers, is of 200 m in Hungary, 100 m - in Romania, 150 m - in Russia and 500 m - in Ukraine, minister Igor Dodon concluded.