
Disruption of “Antena C” deprives people of alternative source of information - OSCE


The OSCE Mission expresses deep concern about the recent disruption of broadcasting at the Chisinau radio station Antena C. “We are extremely concerned about the interruption of the broadcasting signal of “Antena C” station, a fact that deprives population in Chisinau and in other parts of Moldova of an important alternative source of information and analysis”, says an OSCE Mission press release, quoted by Info-Prim Neo. According to the cited source, the OSCE Mission head in Moldova, ambassador Louis O’Neill, is puzzled at the fact that the technical problems at the radio station, invoked by the authorities as cause for interruption of the signal, appeared at the precise moment when views critical of the way the station is being privatized were on the air. The OSCE Mission is also concerned that after the journalists’ protest action, late that evening (December 15) the police entered Antena C’s building and told the radio station’s staff to evacuate because of a bomb threat. “The Mission member present at the scene saw neither ambulances, bomb detection units nor any other special precautionary measures which one might expect in the case of a bomb alarm," Ambassador O'Neill said. The official recalled a similar case in August 2004 when journalists at Teleradio Moldova, who were protesting the way the then-state company was being reorganized into a national public broadcaster, were removed from the company's main building by police units, allegedly due to a bomb threat. It later turned out to be a false alarm. OSCE Ambassador urges all those involved to ensure that Antena C gets back on the air without further delay and guarantee that the station can offer its listeners comprehensive and balanced programming that respects the principles of pluralism and freedom of expression. On December 14, the Chisinau Municipal Council decided to put Antena-C and Euro TV Chisinau up for tender and to dismiss the directors of both institutions. The broadcasters are being privatized as outlined in the new broadcasting code. In a recent joint statement on the reform of the Moldovan broadcasting sector, the OSCE Mission and ten embassies and international missions accredited in Moldova urged all those involved in the re-organization process of Antena-C and Euro-TV to find a solution that would ensure the continued functioning of both broadcasters, drawing on their experienced staff.