
Diplomats in a dialog with Moldovan diaspora


Challenges in the relationship between the Moldovan diaspora and the diplomatic corps, but also examples of good practices were discussed today at the “Diplomacy and Diaspora” workshop, taking place as part of the Diaspora Days in Moldova.

Olga Coptu, head of the Diaspora Bureau, said the 2017 Diaspora Days agenda has been built based on suggestions made by diaspora representatives in the last few months. A subject of particular interest proved to be the relations between diplomatic missions and the diaspora. Apart from the good examples, says Olga Coptu, there are some challenges as well. For example, one issue was the lack of an ambassador in Spain for as much as one year. This has been remedied recently by the appointment of an ambassador.

Another request is for the authorities to open more consulates to solve problems closer to where communities of Moldovans reside, and to continue the program “Embassies closer to you” initiated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. It involved representatives of a certain consulate, Milan for example, moving to another city for two months to provide consular services.

Deputy Foreign Minister Lilian Darii stated during the event that the authorities in Chisinau are making every effort to solve social and economic issues faced by the Moldovan communities abroad. Our authorities are also in permanent contact with their counterparts in the countries of destination in an effort to implement as many programs as possible to create conditions and encourage Moldovans to return home.

Jeremie Petit, senior counselor at the French Embassy in Chisinau, said that France hosts a community of about 35,000 Moldovans. They can be divided into two main types: students and people coming to France to make some money before returning home. He added that communication with the Moldovan diaspora is problem-free.

Moldova’s Ambassador to Italy Stela Stângaci noted that the country is the European state that hosts the largest Moldovan community abroad. Official statistics show that 142,000 Moldovans alone reside there with a Moldovan passport, but it is estimated that a similar number of Moldovans reside in Italy with Romanian and other country’s passports. It’s also the country with one of Moldova’s largest diplomatic presence: an embassy in Rome, a consulate in Milan, a consulate in Padua and three consulats in Florence.

Moldova’s Ambassador to Portugal Dumitru Socolan said some 21,000 Moldovan passport holders resided in the country in 2008, but their number is shrinking as many acquire the Portuguese nationality. Today it is estimated that the number of Moldovans, both with a Moldovan passport and with Portuguese citizenship, is about 30,000.