
Differing opinions about union project in Moldova


Some experts consider that Moldova’s union with Romania is a viable project, while others believe such a goal is unachievable. Contradictory statements on the issue were made in the program “Politics” on TV 7 channel, IPN reports.

Sociologist Vitalie Spranceana considers the union was realized to a certain extent. “The two states united at economic and cultural levels. The rich of Romania and Moldova have the same aspirations, as the poor do. As to the integration project proposed by the unionist movements, it is incomplete because it does not take into account the ethnic minorities. I think Moldova can focus on other, more optimistic projects,” he stated.

Political analyst Dionis Cenusa said the union project has no chance of being successful. “In case of a union, Romania would have to assume additional costs. I don’t think it is now ready to do this. Romania has obligations to the EU and NATO, while Moldova does not form part of these organizations. A possible union would worsen the geopolitical situation in the area,” he said.

Sergiu Mocanu, who heads the People’s Movement “Antimafie”, said the union could take place when Moldova becomes integrated into the EU. “There are many speculations about the union project. Detached from the EU, this project does not have chances,” he stated.

The representative of the National Unity Bloc Constantin Codreanu considers the uniont project in Moldova is more viable than ever. “The Republic of Moldova showed it is unable to develop independently as a state. It’s no use remaining in the sphere of influence of Russia at a time when this country is condemned by everyone. If Moldova joins Romania, it will only gain. The National Anticorruption Directorate of Romania is a powerful argument for us in favor of the union,” he stated.