
Differing opinions about need to amend Constitution


Some experts consider the fundamental law of Moldova must be reviewed, while others believe the Constitution is very good and meets the democratic norms of a state with the rule of law. Such contradictory opinions were stated in the talk show “Fabrika” on Publika TV channel, IPN reports.

Ex-deputy minister of the interior Ghenadie Cosovan said he is for amending the fundamental law. “Any reform in our state is blocked by the Constitution. Let’s take the reform of the prosecution service. For this reform to be completed, the Constitution must be modified. Otherwise, we will remain with a prosecution service of the Soviet type. The same is true about the election of the head of state. We are permanently in a political crisis and are always in danger of having early elections,” he stated.

Constitutional law expert Mihai Petrache pleaded for keeping the fundamental law, except for its article defining the method of electing the President. “It is inadmissible for each government to come and amend the Constitution. Not anyone should come and change the fundamental law of the state. We must learn to have a respectful attitude towards the Constitution,” he said.

Former Constitutional Court judge Nicolae Osmochescu considers only a part of the fundamental law must be amended. “Some 15% of the articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova should be modified. The other constitutional provisions are good and must be implemented,” he stated.