About 2 tonnes of diesel fuel without documents of origin were found by the police in a clandestine store at a private company based on Muncesti St in Chisinau. The diesel fuel was kept in tanks with special pumps for directly fueling units of transport, IPN reports.
According to the Chisinau Police Division, the diesel fuel was smuggled from the Transnistrian region by a man aged 26 from Causeni town. During a search, the police found drafts about the quantities of diesel fuel that was conveyed and sold illegally. The young man could not show documents authorizing him to sell oil products in Chisinau.
Another man aged 25 from Dobrogea commune of Chisinau municipality illegally sold diesel fuel to passenger minibuses running on route No. 175. About 200 liters of diesel fuel were found in his car. He admitted that he worked illegally and that day sold diesel fuel at the price of 14.50 lei a liter to minibus divers. At filling stations, a liter of diesel fuel costs 17.60 lei.
In both of the cases, the diesel fuel was seized and sealed in a special store for keeping evidence. The culprits were fined by 3,000 lei.