
Diana Josu-Braniște: With EU support, cultural institutions in Ialoveni are being modernized


Thanks to the European Village project, European Union funds and Romania’s projects, the cultural institutions in Ialoveni district are being modernized, the head of the Ialoveni Culture Division Diana Josu-Braniște stated in a public debate titled “EU investments in the cultural sector of the Republic of Moldova. According to the representative of the District Council, several localities in Ialoveni benefited from the rehabilitation of the Houses of Culture and improvement of cultural activity thanks to the projects carried out with the EU’s financial support.

The head of the Culture Division of the Ialoveni District Council explained that the modernization of cultural institutions and the promotion of tourist attractions are among local authorities’ priorities. The rehabilitation of the cultural infrastructure is also stipulated in the development strategy of the Ialoveni district.

“The Ialoveni District Council has a development strategy for 2022-2027 where an entire chapter is devoted to the field of culture. We aim to develop tourism because Ialoveni district is the only district in the Republic of Moldova that can boast of three Guinness records. Also, we have famous wineries located on the territory of Ialoveni district, as well as other facilities that are known nationally and internationally. Mileștii Mici Winery is among the priorities of tourists who come to the Republic of Moldova and of the authorities,” said the head of the Culture Division of the Ialoveni District Council.

Diana Josu-Braniște also said that the district authorities, with the support of partners from Romania, will purchase a mobile stage that will facilitate the organization of cultural events in the localities of the district.

“In Ialoveni, we really want a mobile stage. We are having discussions with the Iasi County Council with which we are developing a great idea. We already identified the stage and hope that we will buy that mobile stage that we want very much so that we can be closer to the public in the localities of Ialoveni district. This will enable us to travel easier and our events will be of a better quality.”

Diana Josu-Braniste noted that in recent years, thanks to government projects and projects financed with European funds, a number of Houses of Culture in Ialoveni were modernized. This significantly contributed to the diversification of cultural activities in the district’s localities.

“The conditions in a series of cultural institutions in the Ialoveni district have been improved both with support from the European Union and with support from the brothers from across the Prut. Recently, the House of Culture in Puhoi was renovated. There, the local public administration made considerable efforts and now we have a House of Culture with a well-renovated Union Hall there. The House of Culture in Țipala village was also inaugurated recently. A lot of money from European funds was invested in the House of Culture in Suruceni village last year. The inauguration of the Summer Theater was a large-scale project in Ialoveni. There, a series of cultural events were staged and more large-scale events will be yet held. The House of Culture in Zîmbreni was also refurbished. Based on the twinning with localities situated across the Prut, the institution acquired a new appearance. The financial support provided by the European Union contributes to the modernization of infrastructure. It mainly goes to the renovation and maintenance of buildings,” explained the head of the Culture Division of the Ialoveni District Council.

The public debate entitled “EU investments in the cultural sector of the Republic of Moldova” was the ninth installment of the project “Benefits of the Republic of Moldova’s accession to the EU for people, community and country”. The project is implemented with support from Soros Foundation Moldova.