
Dialogue between Moldova and EU became very intense and prodigious – EU official


The Dialogue Moldova-EU was in the last period very intense and prodigious and generated important practical results, Eneko Landabaru, Director General for Foreign Affairs within the European Commission declared, according to a press release of the Presidency. Among accomplishments, Landabaru mentioned adopting the Action Plan Moldova-EU, inaugurating the permanent office of the Union and of the Delegation of the European Union, starting the activity of EU Border Assistance Mission, office of which was opened in Chisinau, and least but not the last, increasing significantly the volume of assistance offered by EU for Moldova. All these actions which happened in short time are real proofs of the mutual interest of Moldova and EU for approaching, European official ended. On his turn, the head of state welcomed the increase of the visits paid by EU officials to Moldova, considering them as extremely useful and prodigious for the pro European intentions of Moldova. “We understand the implementation of European standards, first of all as country’s modernization actions”, Vladimir Voronin said. At the request of the European official, the head of state made a short analysis of the situation regarding the Transnistrian settlement process. The collocutors emphasized that the sustainable political settlement of Moldova’s territorial integrity will remain a key-objective of the cooperation between Moldova and EU. According to a press release of the Parliament, within the meeting with the European Official, the speaker Marian Lupu requested supporting Moldova in the political dialogue with EU in order to negotiate a new technical assistance program, a new commercial regime, as well a new political agreement on the bilateral relationships after the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement will expire. According to the speaker, the present assistance mechanism of EU for Moldova, TACIS, is not responding to the objectives included in the bilateral Plan of Actions. At the same time Lupu mentioned that a new trade agreement, namely offering the system of Autonomous Trade Preferences would contribute significantly to diminishing the negative economic effects of Romania’s and Bulgaria’s integration. These countries will be forced to cancel the Free trade Agreements with Moldova. The speaker informed the European official about the actions undertaken by the Parliament in order to adjust the national legislation to European standards and to reform the areas strategically important for society. In this context, Lupu mentioned that during July, the Parliament will present an analysis report on the implementation of the Moldova-EU Action Plan which will be sent further to the European institutions. In his turn, Eneko Landabaru spoke about the support of the EU for the implementation of democratic reforms in the social-political, economic areas, strengthening democratic efforts and maintaining a correct development direction. The European official emphasized in this context the important role that the Parliament has in promoting democratic reforms. Director General for Foreign Affairs within the European Commission, Eneko Landabaru officially visited Moldova during July 13-14.