
Development of cultural and youth potential is of major importance, Mihai Chimpu


The intercultural dialogue is essential in developing and strengthening the relations between the states, Moldova's Acting President and Head of Parliament Mihai Ghimpu said at the opening of the fourth CIS Intellectuality Forum at the Palace of the Republic in Chisinau on Thursday. Ghimpu welcomed the about 450 representatives of the intellectuality from 11 CIS countries attending the forum. He said that the forum aims to create conditions for advantageous cultural, educational, scientific and human exchanges and for renewing cooperation in the given areas. “The Moldovan legislation on youth protects the interests of all the people aged between 16 and 30, regardless of the nationality, religious and political orientations, regulates the rights in education, science and the sociocultural sphere,” Ghimpu said, stressing that the forum is held in the year of youth and centers on youth problems. He stated that the new government aims to create a favorable climate for solving the problems faced by the youth and attract social and institutional resources for more actively engaging the young people in the country's cultural and economic life and creating more workplaces for them. 'The future belongs to the youth and we are obliged to contribute to building this future,” Ghimpu said. Gheorghe Duca, the president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, said the fact that the forum is held in Moldova shows that the Moldovan cultural values became part of the cultural heritage of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Serghei Lebedev, the Executive Secretary of the CIS, said that such forums play a special role in the Commonwealth's life, contributing to the reciprocal development of the cultural relations. According to him, the intercultural dialogue can be a success if it is held by the youth. The head of the Russian delegation to the forum Serghei Naryshkin highlighted the role played by Moldova in creating cultural, educational and scientific values. He stressed that these values are well-known in the CIS in such areas as music, literature and cinematography, “It is good that the young intellectuals attend the forum together with famous persons. The number of projects to support the creative and innovative ideas of the youth rises every year. I hope that the strategy on the international cooperation of the youth in the CIS, which is to be discussed at the forum, will address such issues as youth morality, a healthy lifestyle and other youth-related matters,” Naryshkin said. The prizes “Sodrujestvo Debiutov” (“Community of Debuts”) will be handed over as part of the forum. Last year, they were given to the best young literary persons. This year, they will be awarded to the best teachers, while next year - to the best scientists. The heads of delegations from other countries also delivered speeches at opening meeting of the forum. In continuation, the discussions will center on separate topics. Renowned persons of culture will give masterclasses. The forum will end with the adoption of a resolution designed to develop the scientific and cultural cooperation in the CIS states. Next year, the forum will take place in Moscow.