
Details about violin seized at Chisinau International Airport


The violin of artist Alexandra Conunova, which was seized at the Chisinau International Airport on October 22 this year, is still in state custody. The customs service said a number of examinations were ordered and expert conclusions are being expected so as to see the origin of the violin and to give the musical instrument back, IPN reports.

A criminal case over attempt to smuggle cultural values was started in this case. The violin was found during customs control on passengers of the Chisinau-Moscow flight. According to certificates dated October 20, which were issued by an accredited expert of the Ministry of Culture, the musical instrument was made by Giovanni Battista Guadagnini and has historical and artistic value for the Republic of Moldova. Furthermore, inside the case, there was found a musical instrument appraisal document issued by the same expert, which shows that the violent is worth over €2 million.

The holder of the violin didn’t have the authorization required for taking a valuable object out of the country. Consequently, the instrument was seized and representatives of the customs post assure that it is kept in conditions of maximum security.

The police asked through Interpol for information about the owner of the violent so as to see if it is not among the stolen goods. Meanwhile, the artist presented, through the agency of the lawyer, a contract for borrowing the violin, but this does not have the date when it was compiled. A citizen of Switzerland is indicated as the owner. This was contacted and sent copies of the asked documents only on December 2. The authenticity of these copies hasn’t been yet confirmed.

Also, the investigation body ordered a comprehensive legal examination with the involvement of an international specialist. National experts in their examination reports indicated that the violin dates from 1735, while the documents presented by the person show this was made in 1775-1785. The preliminary results of the comprehensive legal examination show the violin was made yet in 1775-1785.