
Democrat Party pleads for democratic local government


The Democrat Party of Moldova (PDM) considers that the Moldovan citizens sanctioned toughly the current government in the June 3 local elections as the number of supporters of PCRM decreased by about 30% compared with the elections of 2003 and the turnout was poor. According to a statement issued by the party, PDM also believes that the political parties that tried to transform their declarative and riotous “anticommunism” into the only argument in the fight for voters’ esteem also lost support. “The election results would have been different, if the public television had been free from authorities’ suffocating censorship and had had the possibility of serving the interests of the citizens,” the statement says. Talking into account the seriousness of the measures taken by the communists during the election camping and their incapacity to solve the real problems of the ordinary citizens, the Political Bureau of PDM decided to participate in the formation of post-electoral alliances in the local councils of first and second level with democratic parties. At the same time, the party asks its members and supporters in the second round voting to support the representatives of the democratic parties in the settlements where the PDM candidates did not qualify. “We are in favour of a democratic local government that will promote the interests of the citizens and will be able to solve peoples’ problems on the basis of the social-democratic values,” the statement reads. PDM also calls on the councillors and mayors that have been intimated and blackmailed into not running for PDM or for the ruling party to return to the PDM family. According to the final preliminary results, PDM obtained 10.35% of the votes for mayors and 10.8% of the votes for councillors in town and village councils. In the municipality of Chisinau, the party won 6.83% of the votes for the future Municipal Council and will have four councillors in it.