
Demand of gas payments in rubles does not apply to Moldova, says deputy prime minister


Deputy Prime Minister/Minister of Infrastructure Andrei Spînu says the Russian demands that payments for gas supplies be made in rubles only does not apply to Moldova. According to him, the agreements between Moldovagaz and Gazprom have always allowed for payments in various currencies.

Spînu told a press conference on Wednesday that Moldovagaz pays for Russian gas in euros, dollars or rubles. “The latest payment, too, included a part in rubles, because, as you all know, Gazprom pays Moldova for gas transit, and so it made the payment in rubles. Those rubles were paid back to Gazprom. Our agreement already provides for several options. At the same time, the statement that I have seen several hours ago does not apply to Moldova”.

Spînu referred to the announcement made by Russian President Vladimir Putin that Russia will no longer accept payments in “compromised currencies”, such as euros or dollars, demanding that “unfriendly states” pay only in rubles.

As for the price of gas supplies in April, Spînu declined to give an estimate. But he admitted that it will be bigger than the one paid in March, which is $546 per 1,000 cubic meters. However, Spînu reiterated the promise made earlier by the Moldovagaz leadership that this will not affect April prices for households.

“Moldovagaz already asked Gazprom to cut supplies in half in April. We take all the steps necessary to make savings in this period, so that this temporary cost, caused by the war, does not affect our citizens”, added Spînu.