
Deflagration on August 13 is a terrorist attack – Tiraspol’s authorities


A terrorist act occurred in Tiraspol on August 13, aiming at destabilizing the situation in Transnistria, Vladimir Antiufeev, the so-called security minister of the self-proclaimed Nistrean Republic told a press conference. According to the source, the explosion was caused by a home-made grenade, manufactured with the munitions accessible to the population of Transnistria. He asked the population to declare the munitions they have and to inform about the persons who have explosive materials. At the same time, Antifeev considers that the deflagration in the minibus, on July 6, is also a terrorist act, assumption proved by the results of the investigation made by the Russian FSB intelligence service. According to the press from Tiraspol, the so-called Security Ministry lacks information that “some sort of secrete services from countries hostile to Transnistria, including Moldova’s Intelligence Service” would be involved in the organization of the explosions. At the same time, Antiufeev says that the terrorist act could be organized by the persons which were influenced by “the fascist propaganda of the Moldovan regime”. Two were killed, a girl aged 6 and a man aged 50, in the explosion of the trolleybus in Tiraspol.