
Dedicated lanes for public transport and cyclists on streets of Chisinau


Dedicated lanes for public transport and cyclists will appear on a number of streets of Chisinau. Under an order made by mayor Ion Ceban, the goal is to encourage the citizens to use public transport so as to reduce the number of personal cars travelling on the streets of Chisinau and to also rid sidewalks of illegally parked cars, IPN reports.

Dedicated lanes will be used in a trial regime on the following street corridors: Alba Iulia – Ion Creangă – Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt – Ciuflea – Dacia, Calea Ieșilor – Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt – Constantin Negruzzi – Iurie Gagarin – Decebal, Mircea cel Bătrân – Alecu Russo – Bogdan Voievod – Renașterii Naționale, Vasile Alexandri - Hâncești – Gheorghe Asachi.

The draft for the corridor Alba Iulia – Ion Creangă – Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt – Ciuflea – Dacia is being finalized and coordinated with the traffic police.

The darfts for the other three corrdors are aloso being finished.

Dedicated lanes for public transport earlier appeared on Grigore Vieru – Mitropolit Bănulescu-Bodoni and on Alexandr Pushkin St.