
Declaring of state of agricultural emergency would cause chaos, MP


The declaring of a state of agricultural emergency and issuing of force majeure certificates would cause great chaos, said Democratic MP Nicolae Ciubuc, who heads the working group on agriculture that was created by the parliamentary groups of the PSRM, PDM, PAS and PPPDA. According to him, following discussions with representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, it was determined that the declaring of a state of emergency when there are no clear rules for supporting agricultural producers is practically useless, IPN reports.

In a press briefing, Nicolae Ciubuc said discussions were held with representatives of the banking sector, enterprises providing inputs. It was determined that the state of emergency will solve practically nothing based on contracts with farmers as the notion of “force majeure” does not cover the state of emergency or weather conditions eligible for the insurance system.

The MP noted that on the parliamentary platform, they considered the possibility of rescheduling the debts on loans taken out from banks or nonbanking intuitions. “This can take place according to two formulas. We either reach consensus and sign an inter-institutional agreement – the Government, the National Bank, banking and nonbanking financial institutions and associations of agricultural producers – which will stipulate the debt rescheduling conditions, or adopt in Parliament a bill, as other countries did, like Romania, which set by law the obligation to reschedule the debts on loans. We aim to do the same,” stated Nicolae Ciubuc.

As to the tax holiday, the MP said solutions were identified. They agreed that the Ministry of Finance will formulate concrete proposals in this regard.

The MP also said the discussions on this platform will continue. He urged the farmers to remain calm and to be patient as they are working to identify the best solutions.