
Decision about concession of Chisinau airport will be made public in November


The commission that is examining the legal reasons and preconditions for terminating the contract for the concession of the Chisinau International Airport will present its final conclusions by November 6, Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet announced in a press briefing. He said that so far the commission presented a report that shows that the company managing the airport didn’t fulfill its commitments, IPN reports.

“The sums invested and confirmed by documents on the executed works are now lower than the level that was to be reached by August 30, 2015. The commission set up to assess these reasons presented a report that is over 100 pages long. It reveals a number of reasons showing that the managing company didn’t honor its commitments,” stated the Premier.

According to Valeriu Strelet, the company had to prove that it invested €45 million in different works at the airport by August 30, 2015. It reported €46 million, €16 million of which was paid in advance for works that haven’t been yet performed. It is yet impossible to estimate the real volume of performed works owing to the absence of relevant documents. “We do not know exactly how these commitments were fulfilled. This contract is in favor of the managing company and to Moldova’s detriment,” said the Prime Minister.

Valeriu Strelet noted that he signed a number of ordinances to collect additional data and facts so that the expert commission could finalize its report with recommendations as to the possibility of initiating the procedure for terminating the contract by November 6. The commission’s conclusions will be confirmed by a Government decision on the initiation or non-initiation of the given procedure.

The contract for the concession of the Chisinau International Airport was signed on August 30, 2013. The Russian company Avia Invest was allowed to manage the airport during 49 years. In 2014, this company’s administration board was headed by businessman Ilan Shor.