
Day of Families to be celebrated in Moldova for a week


The International Day of Families will be marked in Moldova for the sixth consecutive year between May 11 and May 17. The goal of the event is to highlight the importance of the family and family values, to sensitize society, public opinion and decision makers to the problems faced by the families and to encourage practical solutions for overcoming them, IPN reports.

The Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family has announced that a number of activities will be carried out on this occasion at national and local levels, including contests for students, contests for remarkable families, public information and awareness-raising events, festivities, etc. The objectives of the events dedicated to the International Day of Families are correlated with the campaign “Moldova as a Powerful Family”, launched by the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family.

The International Day of Families was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1994 to reflect the importance the international community attaches to families and to promote knowledge about the social-economic and demographic trends that affect families and efforts to stimulate answers to the challenges faced by the contemporary families.