
Czechia offers 7.8M lei to Moldova to improve health care


The Intensive Care Department of the Ministry of Health’s Clinical Hospital will be equipped with 20 beds and medical devices, thanks to the financial support of the Czech government. The 7.8 million lei grant will help to improve the provision of medical services in Moldova, IPN reports.

The Ministry of Health said in a press release that the grant will enable the Clinical Hospital to provide high-quality health care services to a greater number of patients, especially considering the coronavirus pandemic. The implementation period is December 5, 2021 – September, 30.

On this occasiom, Ambassador Stanislav Kazecky stated that the Czech Republic tries to provide help where it is most needed.

Previously the Ministry of Health implemented two other similar projects with the support of the Czech government. In 2020, thanks to a 3.3 million lei grant, the Intensive Care Department of the Calarasi District Hospital was equipped with beds and medical devices. During the same period, Moldova received another 3.3 million lei grant to equip the Intensive Care Department at the Causeni District Hospital.