
Cybersecurity program presented for public debates


The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology has presented the program on Moldova’s cybersecurity for public discussions. The document contains a set of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of processing, using and storing data in digital format. As a result of discussions, the program will be improved and submitted to the Government for approval, Minister Pavel Filip said in a news conference held within the Moldova ICT Summit 2015, IPN reports.

Pavel Filip said the cyber-security of a state can be efficient only when the efforts are united and this is a very important element because the borders between the ordinary life and the virtual life tend to disappear nowadays.

Attending the opening of the event, Prime Minister Chiril Gaburici said the ICT sector of Moldova is on the ascent and accounts for about 8% of the GDP, while the sales on the electronic communications market continue to grow.

The Premier reiterated the necessity of the state institutions joining efforts to implement a cybersecurity program that would ensure the safe processing, usage, storage and accessibility of data in digital format. “This document must ensure an open and secure space, must meet the European practices concerning the security of electronic communications and information systems, must combat cyber-crime and must strengthen the national capacities to ensure cybersecurity. This way, Moldova will become more attractive for this business,” he stated.

Moldova ICT Summit 2015, which is the most important event in the ICT sector, is held on April 29-30. In the period, over 1,000 ICT specialists are expected to take part in six thematic sessions centering on the information and communication technology.