
Customs Service regrets prolongation of waiting time at two searched customs posts


The Customs Service reacted to the searches carried out by officers of the National Anticorruption Center and anticorruption officers at the Tudora and Palanca customs posts on September 30, which resulted in the arrest of a number of employees of the institution. In a press release, the Service says the operation is based on information and operational reports provided by its Internal Security Division, IPN reports.

“We express our regret at the prolongation of the waiting time at the two customs posts, caused by an objective situation. We are making effort for traffic at the Palanca and Tudora customs posts to be fluidized. For the purpose, we ordered to summon additional staff, of other shifts. If need be, personnel will be brought from other subdivisions too,” it is said in the press release.

As regards the initiated investigation, the Customs Service will make no comments until the operations aren’t fully completed. It will then make official statements, based on the information furnished by investigators.