
Customs Service launches Green and Red Corridors at customs posts


The Customs Service launched two passageways – the Green Corridor and the Red Corridor – at the border crossing points Sculeni, Leuseni, Giurgiulesti and Tudora with the aim of accelerating passenger and freight traffic, IPN reports.

In a press release, the Customs Service says the move follows the considerable increase in the flow of passengers after the liberalization of the visa regime for Moldovans and introduction of amendments that enable the EU citizens to cross Moldova’s border, including based on ordinary identity cards.

The two-corridor system is used to optimize the customs control based on the principle of selectivity and risk analysis. Consequently, the citizens who do not possess property that needs to be declared can choose the Green Corridor, while the Red Corridor is intended for those who transport freight on which customs duties are paid.

Customs Service director general Vitalie Vrabie said that by the taken measures they aim to ease passenger and freight traffic and to reduce the waiting time in customs. “In our approaches, we count on the dialogue and cooperation established with our colleagues from Romania and Ukraine so that the participants in the crossborder traffic benefit from swift checks on both sides of the border,” he stated.

Attending the event, Prime Minister Pavel Filip said that some of the measures necessitate funds and their introduction lasts longer, while other measures require only readiness and good organization and these should be in place as soon as possible.