
Current election campaign is blackest spot on right to free expression, PCRM


The Communists Party of Moldova (PCRM) believes the present election campaign can remain in Moldova's history as the blackest spot on the right to free expression. In a communique, the party says the press that criticizes the present administration is intimidated and the reporters who have a different viewpoint are being shut up. “The attack on the freedom of expression does not stop here. The present authorities have already started to directly interfere in the election campaign, trying to ban an advertisement of the PCRM for the simple reason that some of the political leaders are criticized and presented in a bad light in it,” reads the communique. The PCRM criticizes the Central Election Commission for engaging in hindering the Opposition and an election contender from freely carrying out its election campaign by attempting to withdraw a perfectly legal advert. The party condemns such a behavior towards an election contender. “The Election Code allows any kind of electoral propaganda, including to the detriment of a competitor. This right can be restricted only in clearly defined conditions that are needed in a democratic society to ensure the national security, territorial integrity and public safety, “ says the PCRM. It requests the central electoral authority not to limit the right to free expression in the election campaign. “The Communists Party will allow no one to oppress it and will continue to fight for its rights by all the legal means possible,” it is said in the communique.