
CUB promotes acceleration of integration of Moldova and Romania through “integrated common spaces” policy


The Coalition for Unity and Wellbeing (CUB) underlines the need for the political forces to combine their efforts so as to accelerate the process of systemic integration of the Republic of Moldova and Romania through the policy of “integrated common spaces”. CUB proposes to its partners in Romania a political pact defining the reunification project as a strategic priority of the future government, which will be formed at the end of 2024. The opinions were stated at the 2nd edition of the Convention of Romanians Abroad held in Iasi, IPN reports.

As a starting point, CUB supports the establishment of a Ministry of Reunification in the Romanian Government to manage a Fund for Moldova, which would constitute 1% of Romania’s public budget and 1% of Moldova’s public budget for mutually agreed projects. As immediate priorities, CUB proposes a list of social and economic areas that can help overcome the growing disparities in the field of pension fund support, investments in agriculture, mandatory health insurance, development of the business community and the academic and research circles, expansion of critical infrastructures and strengthening of defense and security. “We can be resilient against real threats only when we realize that there are no other options than to build the reunification of the two states,” said CUB chairman Igor Munteanu.

 “We, those in the Republic of Moldova, should not be treated as a diaspora because we inherited secular rights on historical lands that belong to the Romanian ethnocultural space. However, this does not exempt us from the obligation to protect our citizens against tragedies that can spill over from Ukraine into our country as a result of the Russian war of aggression. Under the danger of imminent threats, the Romanian state has the obligation to examine all scenarios, all options to guarantee safety and trust to all its citizens, and these can only be done by assuming a project on the reunification of the two sister states,” noted the CUB leader.

Igor Munteanu mentioned the example of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, who in 1859, after his election as ruler of Moldavia and Wallachia, triggered the most radical reforms in the history of the principalities to get them out of the impasse of stagnation and Phanariotism, and his example is topical as never before for the political agenda of 2024.

“When the Romanian state, through its political class, will want to listen to how we, the Bessarabians, see such a process, then we will also find the right solutions to break the deadlock and overcome the increasingly serious gaps between the two states. We should not expect miracles from messianic politicians. Let’s work punctually, with mathematical precision and exemplary patience on this project. We need firm commitments and determination whose essential value is national cohesion in the project of reunification into a country project that we owe to our compatriots, here and now,” stated Igor Munteanu.

The Convention of Romanians Abroad took place in Iasi on the occasion of the celebration of the 165th anniversary of the Union of the Romanian Principalities in 1859, under the leadership of Ruler Alexandru Ioan Cuza.