
CUB demands that new Cabinet should take urgent measures to defend constitutional order


The Coalition for Unity and Welfare (CUB) presented its position on the security threats announced by President Maia Sandu. CUB chairman Igor Munteanu told a news conference that if the new Government during the next 24 hours does not take measures to counteract the danger invoked by the President, society will be entitled to believe that at the current political moment this is sabotage or conscious manipulation, IPN reports.

“Seventy-two hours have passed since the President gave the news conference in which she announced that there is the danger that military groups will overthrow the constitutional government in Chisinau and will take hostage. We wonder how many days will yet pass until the responsible authorities will handcuff these. The Republic of Moldova has never faced a terrorist danger. We are a peaceful nation. The new Government has 24 hours at its disposal to clarify things,” said Igor Munteanu.

As to the expectations of the new executive, the CUB head said that if the danger is real, we are entitled to demand that the strategic partnership with Russia should be renounced. “We demand that the new Government should publicly admit that Russia interferences in the internal affairs of the Republic of Moldova against our will, by keeping its troops on our territory, without the sovereignty will of the host state and in the context in which Russia sponsors the separatist regime in Tiraspol. The duty of the new Government is to denounce Russia’s alleged role of mediator in the 5+2 format. This imposture had been tolerated by the previous governments. We demand that the MFAEI should inform the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the obligation to reduce the personnel at Russia’s Embassy in Moldova,” noted Igor Muntean.

Also, CUB demands that the new Government should introduce a visa regime for Russian citizens and that Moldova should withdraw from the CIS. According to the party, civilian missions under the UN aegis should be constituted on the left side of the Nistru. The persons working for the police bodies of the separatist regime should be stripped of Moldovan nationality.

As to the resignation of the Government led by Natalia Gavrilița and the formation of a new Cabinet, the CUB chairman said these are the result of a political decision taken by the ruling party to reset particular processes. “Mister Recean probably wanted a better formula, but he has what the PAS majority offered to him. We will see in time. The CUB considers the law should be obeyed by each and every. We demand that the Government should remove the persons with studies in Russian services from the decision-making bodies,” stated Igor Munteanu. According to him, the ruling party made a mistake when it decided to keep in the new Cabinet ministers who didn’t deliver results, but there is hope that the faults will be remedied.