
CSP appoints Marcel Dumbravan interim head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office


At the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, an interim chief prosecutor has been appointed. It is state prosecutor Marcel Dumbravan. He was appointed by the Superior Council of Prosecutors on the proposal of Prosecutor General Ion Munteanu, IPN reports.

CSP member Elena Rosior said that Marcel Dumbravan has worked in the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office for 23 years during his professional activity and career, including as deputy chief.

"He was evaluated on September 16, 2022 with the rating "very good". Thus, he has the capacity and competence to perform this function," Elena Rosior said.

Marcel Dumbravan said that, in this position, he aims to ensure the continuity of criminal cases under the management of the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office.

"Accepting this position is a managerial challenge for me. I want to add that the field of activity of the PA is familiar and close to me," the prosecutor noted.

According to him, a challenge is the fact that the employees in the institution are demoralized to a certain extent in connection with the vetting process. Also a challenge would be the draft law providing for the creation of the Prosecutor's Office for Anti-Corruption and Combating Organized Crime. Employees do not know what position they will accede to and how the transfer will be carried out after the creation of the new institution.

The appointment of the interim chief prosecutor of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office comes after the resignation of Veronica Dragalin. She explained that she took this step to stop the liquidation of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office and the Prosecutor's Office for Combating Crime and Special Cases.