
CReDO about April 7: Then political class ordered protesters to be ill-treated


The political class that ruled on April 7, 2009 ordered to mistreat the peaceful young protesters so as to establish fear in society. Specialized agents resorted to use of torture, while the effort of the prosecution service wasn’t convincing enough to make the decision-makers responsible. These are the conclusions of the Resource Center for Human Rights (CReDO), which issued a statement on the April 7, 2009 events, IPN reports.

According to the statement, the politicization and dependence of the rule of law institutions and functionaries posed the greatest threat to their independent development in applying the law. “The conclusion for us is clear – the inappropriate influence of the political class on the law enforcement agencies, premeditated provocative actions and negligence on the part of decision makers of law enforcement agencies are condemnable and imputable to the then politicians and decision-makers,” reads the statement.

The statement authors say two processes around the April 7, 2009 events can be now seen. On the one hand, less attention is paid to the necessity of holding the decision-makers and torturers accountable. On the other hand, some of the players with political aspirations reinvent the political meaning of the April 7, 2009 events. “Both of the trends, as it is evident already, manipulate and lack integrity. We consider that both of the attempts lack morality, public honesty and responsibility for the consequences of the April 7, 2009 events,” said CReDO.

The Center considers that the decision-makers and politicians owe determination to society in strengthening the independence, depoliticizing and ensuring the high performance of the public institutions.