
COVID-19 immunization marathon at “Nicolae Testemiţanu” University


The State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemiţanu” during May 21-23 stages a university immunization marathon entitled “From Student to Student”. The event is held as part of the national COVID-19 vaccination marathon and is primarily intended for students styling for their master’s and doctor’s degrees, resident doctors, students who turned 18 and all the categories of personnel of national education institutions, IPN reports, quoting a press release of the University.

The marathon starts this Friday at 3pm and ends this Sunday at 9pm. It will take place nonstop, 24/24, and will be based in the principle “first come, first vaccinated”. No appointment needs to be made beforehand. The person should have only the identity card.

Ten vaccination units will be created as part of the marathon. There will be available two types of vaccine - Sinopharm and AstraZeneca.

“We consider the nice experience of the medicine universities of Romania can be replicated in our country as “Nicolae Testemiţanu” University has the necessary human resources and areas for setting up a number of vaccination points. By such an act, we aim to vaccinate as many young people and teachers as possible so that we can resume the education process with the physical presence of beneficiaries of studies in the 2021-2022 academic year,” said the University’s rector Emil Ceban

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection supports the University’s initiative and will ensure the necessary equipment and supply of vaccines. According to secretary of state Denis Cernelea, the immunization of the population is a public health priority and the Ministry is making every effort to ensure the citizens of the Republic of Moldova have access to the COVID-19 vaccine, according to the international recommendations and national clinical protocols.

The vaccinating process will involve family doctors and medical assistants of the University Primary Medical Assistance Clinic of “Nicolae Testemiţanu” University and members of the academic community, such as lecturers, resident doctors, students and administrative personnel.

The green line 062 025 555 can be used to report adverse events following immunization. If severe adverse events appear during 24-48 hours of the administration of the vaccine, one should call the family doctor or the emergency service.

The University noted the second dose will be administered during June 11-13 (Sinopharm) and during July 16-18 (AstraZeneca).