The property managed by the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure at the end of 2017 represented about 5.626 billion lei. The institution’s activity is financed with state budget allocations (99.8%) and grants (0.2%). An audit by the Court of Auditors, whose results were made public on July 23, showed the consolidated financial situations do not present a reliable and truthful picture as they contain significant distortions, IPN reports.
The audit team said the accounting records of the Ministry showed the institution’s shares and other forms of participation in capital inside the country on December 31, 2017 came to 3.598,7 billion lei. This is by 2.677,5 billion lei less than the figures possessed by the Pubic Property Agency and the Ministry of Finance.
The Ministry’s report on capital investments were denatured by 1.304,9 million lei after the state-owned road management company IS “Administratia de Stat a Drumurilor” didn’t correctly indicate the penalties calculated according to the contract clauses for not executing works on time and for other deviations.
The state budget subsidies of about 1.6 million lei provided in 2017 to state-run companies that were transferred under the management of the Ministry were planned by the Ministry of Transport and Roads Infrastructure and later, when this was reorganized, were included in the accounting records and reported by the Ministry of Economy inappropriately.
During the audit mission, both the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure and the institutions managed by this removed a number of shortcomings. Vitalie Iurcu, secretary of state at the Ministry, said the list of state-owned companies and joint stock companies that are to be transferred from ministries to the Public Property Agency was already compiled. “There will be only one founder – the Public Property Agency – and things will be brought in order. The inconsistencies in figures as regards the value of assets at some of the companies will also be eliminated,” he stated.
Secretary of state Anatol Usatyi said the presented financial situations contained discrepancies because a number of authorities were reorganized into the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, but these cannot be regarded as fraud and will definitely be removed.