
Cosmic powers maximized Moldova’s chances of performing the role of ‘God’s Ewe Lamb’


[Analysis of the Series “Moldova-20! Whereto?” by Tatiana Paladi for Info-Prim Neo] By the will of the Creator and the people, the cosmic entity Moldova appeared on August 27, 1991, at 12.39 (Chisinau time). It has a mission that was specially coded in the matrixes of the Cosmic Passport, which contain the energy arrangement of the astral stamp put on the official document on the foundation of the modern state Moldova. From that crucial moment, the whole cosmos has contributed to the creation and development of the Republic of Moldova as an independent state, arranging the major events with special significance. The energies that animate the life of the people of Moldova derive from the nature of the astrological aspects of the astral signs: life sign – Metallic Lamb (Ewe Lamb), zodiacal sign – Virgo, selenian sign – Pisces, the Ascendant sign– Scorpion. Four planets in Earth signs and three planets in Fire signs indicate a lot of energy and pragmatism for creating a powerful state. Most of the planets and important points in the state astrogram are situated in the zodiacal signs of the success – Lion, work – Virgo, and destiny – Capricorn. But five retrograde planets reveal mistakes made in the past. Moldova has to learn the lessons of five planets: Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In the natal map, it is emphasized the planetary cluster in the Middle of the Sky, formed of Jupiter, Mercury and Venus, which is a determinant factor that makes the government to powerfully influence the people and to dramatically assert itself on the political arena. This periodical astral ‘piling’ will influence Moldova’s development as a gust, bringing surprising changes in the senior administration and very risky political and geopolitical oscillations to which the people will adapt with difficulty. The cosmic powers maximized Moldova’s chances of performing the role of ‘God’s Ewe Lamb’ with a beneficial functional destiny which will produce the most favorable effects on its people over time. Moldova often manifests itself as a fragile, capricious, undecided and vulnerable entity, but in reality it possesses a huge power and has its own methods of achieving success. Though mioritic Moldova is a friendly state, in general it wants a quiet, easy and wealthy life. It is happy and contented when it is praised by the East and the West. Owing to its special feature of being hospitable and welcoming with all the state entities, it will always enjoy support. Providence always propelled Moldova, created its framework and offered the necessary cosmic energy in order to gradually develop as an independent state. Nevertheless, if we believe that we are a mioritic people that is cosseted by God, we will follow a road on which things will turn against us. After 20 years of independence, it’s time to show maturity, live our lives as in a happy tale and realize that we have great luck and a special honor to live on this mioritic land and should transform Moldova, with modesty and patience, into a jewel of the highest quality on the crown of Europe – the second Switzerland. [Tatiana Paladi, director of the Cosmological Center “Polus Geticus”, author of the cosmological treaty about Moldova’s development, for Info-Prim Neo]