
Cornel Ciurea: Political struggles could soon expand


The political class in Moldova hasn’t reached a real political consensus in times of a pandemic either. Owing to the current social distancing measures, there is a pseudo-consensus that is actually absent, political commentator Cornel Ciurea stated in a public debate entitled “Pandemic and Politics, barriers and chances of consensus” that was staged by IPN News Agency.

“The political barriers are in front of a practically inexistent consensus owing to social distancing in our society. The political confrontations became less intense. The people no longer meet in Parliament. The journalists cannot film the politicians as they want. Therefore, we have the illusion of a pseudo-consensus that is actually absent,” stated Corneliu Ciurea.

The expert noted the COVID-19 pandemic is no longer perceived as a very big danger and the political struggles will be soon restarted.

“There is a temporary political slumber that will soon end and the political struggles will become harsher. I think this happens because the danger of the pandemic is no longer perceived so intensely in the current conditions. […] We are returning to what we have done before the pandemic. We surely criticize the Government and also Igor Dodon because he will run in this autumn’s presidential elections and he is the key target for a particular section of our society. There are no other serious restrictions than this social distancing measures in our society. Only this restriction still can block the expansion of political struggles.”

Cornel Ciurea noted that if the struggle against the pandemic is not won in the nearest future, the authorities will take much stricter measures and citizens’ rights will be further restricted.

“If we are at the last stage of the pandemic, there will be no problem and we will return to usual politics, of democratic confrontations between the power and the opposition. If the crisis advances and we will not easily overcome it and it will continue in summer, I think particular authoritarian spurts will be felt in all the countries and also in the Republic of Moldova and the power will have to act harsher and to further restrict human rights.”