
Contradictory opinions about delay in talks on ruling alliance


The failure of the new round of talks held by the PDM, PLDM, PL and the Leanca group is interpreted differently by experts. Some consider a compromise will be ultimately reached and a Premier will be nominated, while others are skeptical about this. The issue was discussed in the talk show “Fabrika” on Publika TV channel, IPN reports.

Mihai Godea, who heads the Democratic Action Party, accuses the former colleagues from the PLDM of irresponsibility because they delay the talks and increase the risk of early parliamentary elections. “The country urgently needs a Government. We can no longer wait. We are close to a collapse. The PLDM has the chance to re-form itself. They should take into account the call made by Filat the day he was arrested – to return to the values of 2008. But I don’t know if there is someone who could return to those values left,” he stated.

Alexandru Cauia, dean of the Law Faculty of the Moldova Free International University, considers the PL and PDM must not accept the conditions imposed by the PLDM. “There is no place for concessions anymore. The PL and PDM acted correctly. I think the Premier should be nominated by the PDM because this party now holds the largest number of seats in Parliament,” said the professor.

Political analyst Victor Gurau considers there is no need to form a parliamentary alliance for designating the Premier. “The legislation does not say that a parliamentary alliance must be obligatorily formed. The nominated Premier must be able to secure parliamentary support. In the world, there is no such a practice as that used in Moldova. I think it is about responsibility, which nobody wants to assume,” he stated.