
Contradictory opinions about declaration of two Russian journalists persona non grata


Experts expressed differing opinions about the declaration by the Moldovan authorities of two Russian journalists persona non grata. These are the director of the News Agency “Russia Today” Dmitry Kiselev and Russian TV presenter Andrei Kondrashov, who were to come to Chisinau to take part in the presentation of the film “Crimea. Road to the Motherland”. The issue was discussed in the talk show “Politics” on TV 7 channel, IPN reports.

Former judge at the ECHR Stanislav Pavlovschi considers the declaration of the two journalists persona non grata is not the best method that can be used in a state that claims to be democratic.

Anatol Taranu, director of the Institute for Strategic Research and Political Consultancy “Politicon”, said the Moldovan authorities acted correctly. “The Russian TV channels dominate the area and misinform the population. These two would have come to disseminate pro-Putin propaganda and we do not need this,” he stated.

Political analyst Victor Gurau expressed a different opinion. ”The film is indeed a propagandistic and manipulating one. But the way our authorities acted is not in accordance with the European principles and values. The two Russian journalists did nothing against Moldova,” he said.

Jurist Pavel Midrigan considers the Moldova authorities had other reasons for banning the two from coming to Moldova. “The real goal of the two persons’ visit to Chisinau should have been determined. If they presented a threat to the national security, the Moldova authorities acted correctly,” he stated.

The program’s permanent invitee, political analyst Igor Botan believes that by declaring Kiselev and Kondrashov persona non grata, the Moldovan authorities showed cowardice, even if the two are not welcome in Moldova.