
Contract with Kroll will be signed


Prime Minister Valeriu Strelet ordered signing a contract with the investigations and risk consulting firm Kroll for the performance of the second stage of investigations into the bank frauds, IPN reports.

“The direct negotiations with Kroll ended successfully. The result presented by the National Bank to me, as the president of the National Committee for Financial Stability, is satisfactory for Moldova. The conditions are advantageous. They transmitted immediately my opinion that the contract should be signed as soon as possible, given that I didn’t take part in the direct talks,” Valeriu Strelet said in a press briefing on October 5.

The Premier noted that in its response, the company says that the contract will be presented in several days. “I think we are at the final stage because this aspect was also raised in the discussions with our development partners. We are close to signing this contract that will start to be implemented immediately,” he stated.

The final goal of the investigation is to provide the National Bank of Moldova with clear chronological data about the persons who managed the dubious transactions, who controlled the banks and who benefitted from these transactions. Based on the information collected by the central bank and the results of the investigation, the Kroll will take civil, penal and intergovernmental measures and will apply the insolvency mechanism, if necessary, in coordination with the National Bank, in Moldova and in foreign jurisdictions so as to trace and recover the assets.