Producers will be obliged to show the content of salt, sugar and fats on the packing. Such an initiative was put forward by the Ministry of Health as part of the national food and nutrition program for 2014-2020, IPN reports.
Over 87% of the deaths in Moldova are caused by non-transmitted diseases, with the unregulated consumption of salt, sugar and fats generating such diseases. Annually, unhealthy eating leads to the loss of 50% of the years of life among women and 35% – among men.
The program aims to reduce consumption of salt by 30%, of sugar by 5% and of fats by 3% until 2012.
The Ministry of Health aims to design and conduct campaigns to inform the people about the risks of excessive consumption of salt for health. It will work out marketing and communication strategies on healthy eating that will also aim to decrease consumption of salt, sugar and fats and to promote the consumption of fruit, vegetables and cereals. The Ministry will print a brochure on food labeling.
A study of the risk factors for chronic non-transmitted diseases showed that most of the Moldovans consume about 12 grams of salt a day, at a time when the norm in the European countries is only 2 grams.