
Consumers of electronic services will be able to file complaints


Providers of electronic communication services will be requireed to offer more details during the pre-contractual stage regarding fees, terms and conditions of services and the way of reporting abusive clauses. The stipulations are included in the Regulation regarding the provision of public services of electronic communication services, developed by the National Agency for Regulation in Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI), IPN reports.

The Agency director Grigore Varanita told a press conference that consumers aren't informed about about their rights and that ANRCETI plans to launch a national campaign in this regard: “Know your rights as a consumer of electronic communication services”. As part of the campaign, the Agency will publish an information booklet and will commission a survey about the customers' satisfaction with the quality of services.

Victor Muradu, head of the monitoring and control department at ANRCETI, said that the regulation will cover services of fixed and mobile telephony, television, etc. The document stipulates more rights for consumers and more obligations for providers.

As some services are provided with the necessary equipment, one of the new provisions obligates providers to unblock the equipment for free after the expiry of 24 month period after the signing of the contract. This will allow consumers to use the equipment for connecting to any other provider of similar services. Also, providers will have to indicate in each bill details about fees, debts and phone number for petitions.

Any petition from consumers will have to be examined in 15 or 30 days, if additional examination is required. If the customers don't receive an answer to their complaints, theey may then ask for ANRCETI's intervention or take matters to court.

All the providers of electronic communication services in Moldova had 3 months to conform to the new regulation. In case they violate any of the provisions, ANRCETI encourages consumers to notify the relevant authorities.