
Consumer Protection organization makes call to consumers from Belarus


The head of the national public organization Consumer Protection Piotr Guțul called on the consumers in Belarus to abandon the protests. According to him, the similar events that took place in the Republic of Moldova about 30 years ago led only to the privatization of the economy and there is now no agriculture, medicine, justice sector, etc.

“The prosecution service, the Ministry of the Interior, the courts of law do not function. This is what we obtained as a result of the so-called perestroika. One million and a half of citizens left the Republic of Moldova for the U.S. and Europe as a result of the so-called democratic practice. Today the Republic of Moldova remained poor. We do not produce anything. Agriculture, industry, the factories were destroyed,” Piotr Guțul stated in a news conference at IPN.

The organization’s leader said he is ready to communicate and to share the association’s experience with consumers in Belarus as their consumer protection experience is rich and the pressure exerted on the organization, including the attempts on his life, is a proof of this.

In another development, Piotr Guțul said the national public organization Consumer Protection is preparing to sue the state Republic of Moldova for the serious violations of the Constitution and the international law on consumer protection. Money was stolen, but the responsible authorities do not react to consumers’ petitions.

Constantin Tabuncic, a member of the organization, said he was wronged by the heat supplier after he requested that his dwelling should be disconnected from the centralized heating system. His application wasn’t accepted and the family continues to receive bills for a service that it didn’t ask. The debts accumulate. He went to court, seeking justice, but he was ultimately obliged to pay those debts. This is disrespect for the pensioners, but there are hundreds of persons who worked the whole life and are now disdained in his situation.

The man noted the authorities deride them by the so-called indexation of pensions as they are paid paltry amounts. These officials who pompously announced the so-called raises for pensioners in the elections dare to come to the people and ask for their vote.

The members of the organization also referred to the treatment of elderly people, veterans, etc. Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, the medical personnel are overloaded, but the health problems faced primarily by the elderly should not be neglected. According to them, the persons with health problems are not hospitalized so that they could not benefit from treatment and surgery.