
Consultancy desks started to function in Chisinau City Hall


The Centre for Information and Documentation for citizens started to function on Thursday in the Chisinau City Hall. The aim is to find answers to the questions expressed by citizens to the local public administration with the help of representatives working in the behind these desks thus, allowing to prevent the direct contact of the citizen with civil servants. Within the Centre, there are 5 consultancy desks: Land relations, Architecture and Urbanism, Construction Authorizations (final receptions), Patrimonial relations (the privatization of the vein fund, the rent of space) and Commerce and services performance. The interim mayor – Vasile Ursu has declared to the press that the decision to install these desks was taken as a result of the corruption accusations brought to the local public administration by the Government, as well as by the population, by means of numerous petitions. Afterwards, within the Centre, also there will be functioning a Letters’ Department, audience of citizens by the civil servants of the Mayors’ and Deputy- mayors’ rank and the Public Relations Department. The President Vladimir Voronin, who visited the aforementioned Centre the day of its launching, has shown himself pleased of the public authorities’ actions and said that such an initiative has to be taken over by the regional centers as well. The consultancy desks will function between the hours 8.00-19.00, including Saturdays, in order to facilitate at maximum the access of population. In the immediate vicinity of the desks, there will be the Mayoralty archive, thus facilitating the issuance of the necessary documentation in optimal terms. The Centre for Information and Documentation of the citizens can be found inside the City Hall, having the entrance from Veronica Micle Street, previously the entrance to the City Bank.