
Construction works on Nicolae Milescu-Spataru St suspendered


The Chisinau City Hall ordered suspending the construction of a shopping and recreational center on N. Milescu-Spataru St in Ciocana district. The decision was taken after dwellers of the apartment buildings located nearby filed complaints, IPN reports, quoting a communiqué of the City Hall.

Mayor Dorin Chirtoaca asked additionally verifying the project documents and other documents based on which the construction authorization was issued. The State Construction Inspectorate made a prescription for invalidating this authorization.

Last week, people living at 21/1 Milescu-Spataru St got into an argument with workers from the building site and the police, while several days ago they picketed the City Hall. They expressed their dissatisfaction with the fact that the building is erected in the place of a playground. The authorities decided to suspend the construction works for a period.