
Consistency of dialogue between civil society and Government within EGPRSP depends very much on quality of members


The consistency of the dialogue between the civil society and Government on the Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (EGPRSP) depends very much on the quality of the members, Igor Grosu, the secretary of the Council for participation within EGPRSP declared at the annual conference “Free access to information: legislation, practice, perspectives”. Grosu mentioned that public debates can be organized, but in the end it is important that public’s feedback is supported by arguments, presented in such a manner so that decision-making authorities would take it, analyze it and eventually taking it into account. According to the cited source, the participation Council does not have the role of substituting the dialogue between the civil society and Government. Discussion on different topics must take place on fields, thus the council has more the role of a participation guarantee for the dialogue, Grosu declares. Also, the secretary of the Council declared that within the frameworks of the process of involving society in elaborating EGPRSP, about 80 public debates, with 3000 participants, were organized on both national and local level.