
Condominium Associations will be created only after solving stringent problems of the municipal housing fund


The creation of the condominium associations, which would include the housing fund, as well the institutions in the region, will start only after the municipality will solve the most stringent problems which the municipal housing fund is currently facing: the winter preparations, the reparation of rooftops and of basements in apartment blocks etc. According to the chief of the general housing-communal and planning department (DGLCA), Mihai Solcan, the municipality considers the initiation of the procedure to modify the legislative framework, in order to allow the launch of the process of formation of condominium associations. Currently, the authorities are preoccupied by the formation, on the basis of 23 municipal enterprises for management of living space (IMGFL), of a number of associations of privatised houses’ owners, which would include up to 500 apartments. Only after the solution of these problems, Solcan claims, “will we be able to explain to the people that many things have been done in the housing fund and ask them to take care on their own of the estates they live in”. The chief of the DGLCA believes that the reorganisation of the municipal living spaces fund, which constitutes approximately 71% of the living spaces fund of the Chisinau municipality, cannot be precipitated, since that would mean a “risk of remaining with an unmanaged and problematic living spaces fund”. The same path will be followed by the living spaces construction cooperatives (CCL). According to Solcan, at resent there are still CCLs in which a part of the residents have not paid the full price of their apartments, and associations cannot be created in these conditions. Still, in the cases where such problems do not exist, the cooperatives will be reorganized in small associations or there is the possibility that these will adhere to neighbor associations. The initiative to create associations has to come from the residents, and the locative-communal department will help and will even organize general elections, during which cooperative presidents can be reelected and the creation of APLPs can be voted. Solcan mentioned that within the DGLCA, a special section for the reorganisation of the locative fund was created, and the telephone number 22-75-00 can be dialled by the citizens wishing to receive counselling in various problems of this type.